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[closed] allowing user signups

  1. sk

    hey just purchased this software today and am extremely happy with it.
    i am using it internally for employees in our office to fill out forms and store them in the db for future reference.

    it would be a nice feature to allow registration for this system.
    for example a function have to login with username/password to fill out the form, and when its submitted it stores the info of the user who submitted the form.

    great work.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    Thanks for the input.

    Registration seems great for organization who needs to classify the information based on users.

    At this moment, perhaps you could add username field for each of your form and ask your employees to fill it. It's a bit pain though, sorry.

    I'll take this for future consideration. If you have any other ideas/suggestion, feel free to post it here.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 16 years ago #

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