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Change tooltip behaviour for one element

  1. Willy

    Hi again,

    I would like to be able to make the tooltip appear on hover of one particular checkbox element and remain visible while that checbox is checked.

    On unchecking and "un-hovering" this checkbox I want the tooltip to disappear.

    So basically what I want to remove is the function that keeps the tooltip visible while the element is highlighted, when the checkbox is checked and then unchecked but without having highlighted another element.

    In short, just in case the above isn't clear enough:

    Hover particular checkbox element => Tooltip shows.
    Check particular checkbox element => Tooltip remains visible.
    Uncheck and "un-hover" checkbox element => Tooltip disappears.

    I have been trying to fix this myself for some hours but I believe the li.highlighted is what keeps me from achieving my goal.

    How can I get this working?


    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. Willy

    For the moment I found a creative solution for what I wanted.

    I took away the :hover for the checkbox and changed size and position of the tooltip.
    The tooltip shows the terms of service. When the checkbox is checked and highlighted the tooltip appears, covering with its footer the checkbox.

    Just beneath it I have the next checkbox which needs to be checked if the user accepts the terms of service.

    On checking this checkbox the highlight from the former checkbox is removed and thus the tooltip disappears.

    So no need for you to break your head over this one! :)

    It's nice to see there's many possibilities to be discovered in Machform!

    What I would like to know though is where the highlighted behavior is coming from, is it one of the javascripts?


    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. yuniar

    Yes, it is coming from the Javascript, which is view.js file.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 13 years ago #

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