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Data Export Not showing Payment Amount

  1. christiansweatt

    Whenever I export my entries for a payment form, the "Dollar Amount" column does not export into the Excel file if the status is "Unpaid" - I'm not sure whether this was set up this way on purpose, but it would be really helpful for this column to also populate for reporting purposes.

    Since the "Payment Status" column populates, it would be easy to tell whether has or has not been submitted. So maybe I'm not understanding why, if the status is "Unpaid," the column does not export totals due. We have orders for which payment is not due until one month later, but we still want to export totals to see how much to expect.

    If this cannot be changed, perhaps give users an option of what the default "Payment Status" should be, whether a user wants to have "Unpaid" as their default status or "Pending" as their default.

    Thank you!

    Posted 8 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    This is actually a bug. We're receiving several reports regarding this and have this within our bug report database already. We'll fix this.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 8 years ago #
  3. christiansweatt

    Perfect! Thanks so much for the reply!

    Posted 8 years ago #

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