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editting css

  1. rebelbwb

    To start - I've done all the things relayed in recent posts, ie., turn safe mode off, changed default '0' in form_has_css in db to '1' and still nothing. I have installed in subdomain so the structure is as follows subdomain/domain/httpdocs/machform/etc. I have already created a form and see that folder dir (folder_1) sitting in machform/data/. I guess I'm not sure why there isn't the needed css/view.css that goes under that form_1. I read in one post someone manually adding in css/view.css to the appropriate folder yet not much changed and the stylesheet was not recognized I guess because of pointing to incorrect location of view.css.

    Can someone provide some direction as to what my next step should be. Once again, form is created. I get the following error message upon trying to edit CSS - No such file or directory as it relates to line 54 in edit_css.php. I love the product just need help getting this resolved.

    Many thanks in advance!

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    this is a common problem when safe mode is turned on. the solution is to turn off safe mode and then manually create css/view.css file into your form folder.

    or even easier, create a new form.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 16 years ago #

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