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Form Password prepopulated and causing problems

  1. schiminiello

    I want to e mail my client a link to my client information form that I created in Machform. The problem is that my computer has saved the password for the form so when I e mail it out the password is already entered which defeats the purpose of having it password protected. How do I get a link to the form I created without the pre-populated password included?

    Here is the link:

    As an alternative to e mailing can someone explain to me in really SIMPLE easy to follow instructions how I would post this form to my website? I have no clue how to do that.


    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    You don't need to worry about the password. It's only being stored on your browser.
    When you send it to your clients, they won't see any password being entered.

    To post the form into your site, simply copy your form code (click Embed Code menu) and then paste the code into any of your current website pages.

    If you need further help on this, please let us know.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 12 years ago #

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