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  1. joebodego

    I am struggling with logic, i cant figure it out. I want to show two fields and i would like to show each line when a button id checked. I cant figure it out. Can someone help. I dont know where to find any documentation

    Posted 8 years ago #
  2. jpello

    The logic is pretty easy actually -- to show fields based on other fields selected, you would check: Enable Rules to show/hide fields.

    Then you'll select the first field that you want to show when a button is selected from the dropdown.

    You'll then see that field name/label and some options (Show) this field if (all) of the following conditions match... you can change to any of the conditions if you'd like.... and then just select the dropdowns that make sense.

    An example would be to show a field if "Last Name" CONTAINS "JACK"

    Any time that someone entered JACK or JACKSON in the last name field, this field would populate.

    You can enter as many logic options as you want (in your case it appears you'd have to enter 2).

    Posted 8 years ago #

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