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Mobile Safari

  1. mbs

    I use iPhone a lot and have several forms, however uploads are not directly allowed, I have found an app Picup that using javascript will convert the upload field on a machform to take a picture or send a picture from the camera roll. Hovever i am not sure where to put the code in machforms. Any help please. the picup.js file is this:

    Picup helper

    The Picup iPhone application allows webapps to request photos from the iPhone device,
    in place of the traditional file input form field. Call Picup.convertFileInput for
    each file input field that allows iPhone photo uploads. This function should be called
    after the document has loaded, such as in an onLoad observer.

    NOTE: Make sure that the client browser is Mobile Safari before you replace the file inputs.

    • Converting a file-upload field into a Picup button:

    Picup.convertFileInput( fileInputField, { 'referrername' : escape('My Web App'),
    'purpose' : escape('Upload A Photo') });

    • Opening an existing upload in the Picup app:


    • Generating a Picup URL:

    // URL to upload a photo:

    Picup.urlForOptions('new', { 'referrername' : escape('My Web App'),
    'purpose' : escape('Upload A Photo') });

    // URL to view a photo:
    Picup.urlForOptions('view', { 'picID' : 'p12' });

    • Defining a custom callback handler:

    // To handle the return data from the Picup app, define the Picup.callbackHandler
    // function, which is passed a query string of return values.

    // If Picup.callbackHandler is defined, the page will observe the location.hash.
    // If it changes (e.g. the callback URL returns control to the page that launched Picup),
    // Picup.callbackHandler will be called with an object containing key/value pairs of the
    // parameters.

    Picup.callbackHandler = function(data){
    for(var key in data){
    console.log(key + " = " + data[key]);

    Additional Notes:
    If you have multiple file input fields that use Picup, the last input field that launched
    the app will be referenced by Picup.activeFileInput.

    More info:
    API documentation, with explainations of the possible options can be found at

    © William Lindmeier, 2010


    var Picup = {

    customURLScheme : 'fileupload://',
    windowname : 'fileupload',
    activeFileInput : null,
    currentHash : '',
    hashObserverId : null,

    // Override this as a function to handle hash changes
    callbackHandler : null,

    openFileWithId : function(picID){'view', {'picID' : picID}), Picup.windowname);
    return false;

    convertFileInput : function(inputOrInputId, options){
    var input = inputOrInputId;
    if(typeof(inputOrInputId) == 'string'){
    input = document.getElementById(inputOrInputId);
    input.type = 'button';
    input.value = "Choose Photo...";
    input.picupOptions = options;
    input.onclick = function(){
    Picup.activeFileInput = this;'new', this.picupOptions), Picup.windowname);
    // start the observer
    Picup.currentHash = window.location.hash;
    Picup.hashObserverId = setInterval('Picup.checkHash()', 500);
    input.disabled = false;

    return false;

    checkHash : function(){
    if(window.location.hash != Picup.currentHash){
    // The hash has changed
    Picup.currentHash = window.location.hash;

    var hash = window.location.hash.replace(/^\#/, '');
    var paramKVs = hash.split('&');
    var paramHash = {};
    var paramOutput = [];
    for(var p=0;p<paramKVs.length;p++){
    var kvp = paramKVs[p];
    // we only want to split on the first =, since data:URLs can have = in them
    var kv = kvp.replace('=', '&').split('&');
    paramHash[kv[0]] = kv[1];

    urlForOptions : function(action, options){
    var url = Picup.customURLScheme+action+'?';
    var params = [];
    for(var param in options){
    var uploadURL = url + params.join('&');
    return uploadURL;


    Thanks for the help

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. TheInsideProject

    I have this same issue and would love a resolution. If you can add this code in MachForm can be marketed at business that need forms for there out of office staff.

    Please help

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. genegor

    I also need help with the picup. I see there has been no response here. Still looking.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. wbrookman

    I am also looking for an answer to this

    Posted 12 years ago #

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