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Paragraphs of text or extended section breaks

  1. tabonec

    First, I want to say thank you for this excellent piece of software, it's made my work a bit easier.

    Second, my question - is it possible to include paragraph-sized amounts of text within certain sections of the form? I've been trying to add longer descriptions for certain components of the form within the section breaks but it appears to cutoff after a certain number of characters. I was poking around the MySQL database and I noticed some varchar(255) settings for a couple of the form features. Is there a way to either a) manually insert text into the form or b) extend the limitations for the section breaks?

    Thanks much.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. yuniar


    Thanks for the compliment!

    Sorry about the limitation, this should be removed for the next release.
    However, it's very easy to fix this.

    Simply change all table column which has varchar(255) field type to mediumtext

    That would extend the limitation on the MySQL side.

    Also, you will need to modify save.php file, same thing, search for any varchar(255) and replace it to mediumtext.

    Let me know if you are having difficulty with this.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. tabonec

    It works!

    Thanks for the quick response. The only varchar(255) I ended up changing in the save.php was for:

    if(('text' == $type) || ('phone' == $type) || ('simple_phone' == $type) || ('url' == $type) || ('email' == $type) || ('file' == $type)){
    	$query = "ALTER TABLE <code>ap_form_{$form_id}</code> ADD COLUMN <code>element_{$element_id}</code> mediumtext NULL COMMENT '{$comment}';";

    I'm guessing the section breaks are treated as text in this instance? Regardless, changing the varchar(255) to mediumtext and updating the ap_form_elements table did the trick. Should I update any of the other MySQL tables as well or leave it for now?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. yuniar

    The section break is actually stored in ap_form_elements table.
    I suggest to update your other mysql tables as well, just to make sure.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 16 years ago #

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