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PayPal Auto Returns to the wrong page

  1. jraitchi

    I've got PayPal set up, awesome integration with MachForm, thanks it is great. The problem I am having is that after a customer completes a transaction on the PayPal website, they are "Auto Returned" to my website, but to the wrong page. On my PayPal profile, I turn Auto Return on, and put in a specific page on my site that I want the customer to return to...but they are not returned to that page, they are returned to a different one.

    I spent a lot of time on the phone with PayPal tech support, and they said there are only two ways to direct a customer to Auto Return to my website. 1.) Through the setting on my PayPal profile 2.) Through a variable that can be set in the MachForm "shopping cart," and this variable can override the setting I have on my PayPal profile

    So PayPal tech support believes that a MachForm variable (which I have never seen, or set....) is overriding what I have on PayPal. Anybody have this issue? It's incredibly annoying, I had to turn Auto Return off, so my customers just stay on the PayPal website once they are done with their transaction rather than come back to my website. If anybody is interested, the direct line to PayPal tech support is: (800) 852-1973

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    Yes, MachForm override the auto return URL for each of your form. The idea was to display the form success page after successful payment.
    However, within the next few days, we'll be releasing v3.2 and you will have the option to define custom Auto Return URL for each of your form.

    This way, you can set the Auto Return URL for each of your form to use your existing Auto Return URL.
    All you need to do is to put the URL into your form's "Redirect URL" setting.

    Stay tuned for the update and sorry for the trouble!

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. jraitchi

    Great to hear; not sure if it's possible with the new PayPal settings, but it would be great to redirect them to a Canceled Payment page as well

    Posted 12 years ago #

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