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MachForm Community Forums » MachForm 2

Review page

  1. beeeno

    I have a longish form set up with review page. When user continues to review page the user sees what looks like a blank white screen. In fact it is just the lower part of the review page, and with scrolling up there is the review. A lot of our less skilled users will think their use of the computer has just gone end up again when seeing just a blank white screen, and possibly just go back on the browser and never complete the process. I assume this problem happens because the review page uses the I-frame set by the form, and if the form is long, this is what you get?

    There was another query about reviews and blank white pages on the forum, I wondered if that person had the same problem...

    Is there an easy fix?

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    I suggest to implement this javascript code to embed your form:

    Or even better, if this is possible, use the Advanced Form Code (php code) to embed the code. This would eliminate the white space completely.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 12 years ago #

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