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Sent Email Format Change

  1. psychouk

    Hi Guys,

    Is it possible to edit the format of the sent email from any form created, for example, I'd like to change the font, size and colour from the information sent back to my email address from the information submitted within each section of the forms labels

    Many thanks in advance for any help given ;-)

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. tmparisi

    I'm not entirely sure what you are asking to do, but you can edit the HTML of emails sent in the 'email' area of each form. Form-->Emails-->More Options-->make sure that Send Email in Plain Text Format is NOT ticked. Then you can simple enter whatever HTML you would like into the Email Content box.

    Hope this is what you were looking for!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. psychouk

    Hi tmparisi,

    Thanks for your reply, appreciated.

    I understand the option of Form > Emails > More Options and then choosing the variables for either the recipient or the sender with regards to the content data via {entry_data} tags etc

    But changing the variable {whatever_you_need} only sets the information sent via the form, I cant change the font format or size or colour, which is what I'm trying to achieve, any more help much appreciated ;-)

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. AMurray
    Pro Member

    You need to format the text within the email by typing in HTML code. If you don't know HTML, go to which is a wealth of info on the technologies that drive the web - HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Stylesheets (CSS).

    Therefore, for instance, to make a paragraph text, with HTML formatting for a font size of around 12pt (or equivalent) colour red and font of arial, you type in the following, literally as written here:

    <p style="font-size:0.89em; color:red; font-family: arial, verdana">This is the paragraph.  Here's the {form_data}

    Repeat this for each line, and intermix it with the email tag-variable names.

    Unfortunately the message window for the emails is not a "visual" editor.

    (**Yuniar could that go on the Wish List? - implement a visual editor, when choosing "HTML" format for the message in the email options?). Similar to those used in Joomla, Wordpress or similar blogs and CMS's.)

    Posted 11 years ago #
  5. psychouk

    Thanks AMurray, your answer is exactly what I was looking for, let's hope Yuniar picks up on this thread and adds the visual editor as a new wish list addition, it will certainly take the hassle out of knowing html code to achieve the desired results.

    Great product and super forums, keep up the great work guys ;-)

    Posted 11 years ago #
  6. TimHines

    AMurray, in your example, where would you put this code? IN the CSS area?

    If so, how could you get that formatting to apply to the ENTIRE form?

    Posted 10 years ago #

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