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Update line numbers in V.3

  1. Juan

    I´m triying to do this in my form as in this post

    but whem I try to find the lines don´t match should it be possible for v3 version?

    1. Edit "includes/view-functions.php" file and go to line 1831, you will see this text //If you would like ......

    Thank you very much for your help

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. AMurray
    Pro Member

    There is no "view-functions.php" file in V3 - the file appears to have been renamed to "view.php"

    I wouldn't expect the line numbers in V3 to match exactly - that link refers to V2, and since V3 has changed so much I'd expect the coding, and therefore the line numbering to have changed.

    Maybe instead of searching by line number, you can find (in the view.php) by searching for the text phrase //If you would like ....... If that doesn't help, maybe Yuniar can give you the exact location of that same section of code.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. DaveVoss

    Another plug for having programming hooks in the code that uses this type of logic:

    If the file exists then
    Execute the code in
    end if

    Custom.PHP is just an example. There could be a file named "submit.php" with custom code for actions after the user presses the submit button, etc. which would be called by post-functions.php.

    Hooks like these will make our code much more portable and, with wanna be programmers like myself who take hours to hammer out a couple of lines of code, that arrangement saves a lot of time.

    It would also be easier for us to share code with each other.

    It would be easier for support to say, "Create a file with these lines in it" instead of trying to specify a file and a line where one could place new code lines.

    I hope this make sense.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. Juan

    Thank you very much

    Posted 12 years ago #
  5. williamansley

    I would also be very glad to see the functionality DaveVoss describes above added to a future version of Machform.

    Posted 12 years ago #

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