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MachForm Community Forums » MachForm 4

V4 Feature Requests

  1. RVgeeks


    I'm new to MachForm and, so far, I'm LOVING it! Thanks so much for a great system for creating, distributing, and managing forms!

    That said, there are a couple of features I would love to see added to the product at some point in the future:

    1. A system-wide, or even per-form, setting enabling you to turn off the "Powered by MachForm" footers. I'd rather not have to edit PHP files by hand... and have to do it over and over again when updates occur.
    2. Provide an option to disable the display of the form name & form description. When embedding the form on another page, I most often don't need these, and it would be great to be able to toggle them on & off.
    3. Conditional fields: it would be great to be able to have one field compare it's value to another. For instance... a "confirm email address" field that has to have an exact match with another field in order to be valid.
    4. Rules: it would be nice when creating rules if it could pick up that a field I'm using as the conditional field is a "Select" or "Radio Button" or "Checkbox" field... and allow me to select one of the already pre-defined values, instead of having to hand type them in again.

    Just my $0.02 on things that I think would make a great product AWESOME!


    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. AMurray
    Pro Member

    Your wish-list Item #1 already exists and has done for some time now (since Version 3.x I believe).

    At a global level, you can already remove the Powered by link from your forms..

    In the Settings Page, go to Miscellaneous options, then "Advanced Options" link in that panel. Set the option in "Remove Powered By Machform link from all my forms" to Yes

    You can't remove copyright notices etc - that is a condition of the License Agreement.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. RVgeeks

    @AMurray... THANKS! Hadn't found that before. 25% of the way there on my list already! WOW! MachForm support is fast! ;D

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. AMurray
    Pro Member

    I'm just another user.......not "Machform Support". ;-)

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. kandk

    I was loving Machform all the way up to the point when I edited a form that took me 4 hours to perfect, After saving it all of the fields I entered are set to the defaults!

    WTF is that all about?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. AMurray
    Pro Member


    Your question has nothing to do with the thread topic "V4 Feature Request" Please start a new thread for your question.l

    After saving it all of the fields I entered are set to the defaults!

    I don't know what you're asking about - please try to be more clear in your questions. Not sure what you mean "set to the defaults" ?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  7. williamansley

    @RVgeeks: I heartily concur with your feature requests 2 through 4. In my opinion they are not just features that would be nice to have, but features that should have been included from the start and which should be added as soon as possible.

    Actually, your feature request #2 is possible now, in a way. You can completely remove all of the text from the title and description fields of a form and the title and description will disappear and the space they occupy will close up, but then you have to deal with awkwardly named forms, such as "-Untitled Form- (#7183)"

    If these features aren't on Appnitro's to-do list already, they should be added to it. I really wish Appnitro would take a break from adding major new features to Machform, and would start adding some of the minor refinements to its existing features, which is what I consider your requests to be. This would make using Machform a much more pleasant experience.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  8. RVgeeks


    Yeah... the more I've been playing around with it, the more I'm finding that it can't do. It is a really nice software package, but the limitations are preventing it from being a solution I can use.

    I'd love to be able to set a minimum date for a date field to "today + 2 days". Or have 2 date fields, where the second one is 1 day after the first (good for reservation forms).

    I'm beginning to look at other options... but finding that there doesn't appear to be any one solution that can do everything I need. :P


    Posted 9 years ago #
  9. jimsnowdon


    Firstly I would like to expand on @RVgeeks point #3. I know this has been talked about in the past but it seems to have gone to sleep? I would love to 1. be able to populate (per form basis) dropdowns and multichoice from mysql tables and, 2. be able to filter the list in dropdown B based on the selection from dropdown A (for example, if in dropdown A user chooses the country United Kingdom, dropdown B is populated with a list of UK Counties OR if he chooses USA then a list of US states in B and so on...

    Even without this Machform is an excellent product, with them it would be outstanding!

    Posted 9 years ago #
  10. williamansley

    @jimsnowdon: I agree that your suggestions would be excellent additions to Machform. I am sure we will never get the ability to access lists of information directly from preexisting mysql tables that were created outside of Machform; that's just not the way Machform works. But if we could import a list from a text file rather than having to paste a bulk list into a dialog box, as we do now, that would be an improvement. And if we could save lists outside of a specific form so we could easily re-use the same list in multiple forms (as multiple choice, check box , or drop down), as well as having a GUI interface to duplicate, rename, edit, and delete lists, that would be fantastic! Being able to access the information in an existing field in the same or another form as a drop down menu, multiple choice, or check box list, so we could have the list reflect "live" information would be equally great. And of course "cascading" drop down menus (your dropdown A & B, above) would make Machform much more useful, as you say.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  11. ironsoup

    @williamansley / @RVgeeks

    Regarding your #2 request:

    Provide an option to disable the display of the form name & form description. When embedding the form on another page, I most often don't need these, and it would be great to be able to toggle them on & off.

    You can do this easily with some light elbow grease in editing the form CSS (and keeping your form title / description intact on the backend). In Machforms V4.x each form has it's own custom CSS file. On your form(s) in question find the following rule:

    #main_body .form_description[class]

    and change display: block; to display: none;

    Another alternative would be to use the Theme Creator and create a theme that has the above CSS to hide the .form_description div (and the logo h1 if you want the logo removed as well). Then apply that theme to any and all forms whose name/desc you want to hide.


    Sorry I forgot that you can't actually hide the form name / description in the Theme Editor. But what you can do is create a new theme and save it. Then on the backend if you're savvy enough make custom edits to that new theme css file to include the form_description CSS display: none; rule. (it won't exist in the new theme css file by default). The theme file should be located in /machforminstall/data/themes/theme_#.css.


    Posted 9 years ago #
  12. RVgeeks

    @ironsoup - thanks so much! I'll check this all out.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  13. williamansley

    @ironsoup: Yes, many thank for sharing that! I'll be giving it a try.

    Posted 9 years ago #

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